KPI in the ranking of QS University Rankings: Emerging Europe and Central Asia – 2016

QS2-arphli06vww_jpg_l_700In a recent ranking of QS University Rankings: Emerging Europe and Central Asia NTU “KPI” has taken the 48th position. The ranking analyzes the work of universities in 24 countries of Emerging Europe and Central Asia. This is the third consecutive year when the ranking is a source of information about higher education institutions in the region for applicants from around the world. This year the ranking shows the remarkable stability of the top hundred universities and is headed by the Moscow State University of Lomonosov.

A methodology of university rankings consists of 9 indicators: academic reputation, employer reputation, coefficient ratio teacher / student, the percentage of international faculty and students, the number of research papers per faculty, citations of work of employees, the proportion of employees with a degree and effectiveness of the Internet on Webometrics resources. According to the compilers, these factors are the best to reflect the strengths of universities and the main priorities of their activities.

An average KPI score, which actually determined its place in the rating is 66.1 out of 100. The “weak point” of the university appeared to be indicators of international students (6.3) and teachers (1.8), as well as the cited works of employees (11.1). Good results are presented in terms of KPI academic reputation (89.3), employer reputation (75.5) and the ratio teacher / student (75.8).

The ranking results show real achievements of our university, as well as define the guidelines for further improvement of the educational and research activities with an emphasis on internationalization.

The full version of the ranking is available here.